
Many tend to rely on antibiotics and modern medicine to heal ailments, but we often forget about the natural and holistic ways to prevent disease and boost our immune systems naturally.

And there are plenty of ways out there to give your immune system a bump, including lymphatic massage.

Here are three:

Nurture your microbiome

About 80 percent of your immune response is based on your microbiome — that massive population of good and bad bacteria living in your gut.

Diets high in refined sugar and processed foods can breed bad bacteria, building up the battle field for bad bacteria to cause disease.

So, get your diet in check.

Up your intake of raw organic foods, unprocessed foods and things like yogurt with good probiotics.

That will increase the number of good bacteria, which will fight off the bad ones and leave your body in tip-top shape.

Get outside 

Consistent aerobic exercise gives your lymphatic system a charge, gets it moving and gets your immune system working at peak performance level.

The lymph system is a network of vessels that pick up toxins and removes them from the body.

But it depends on muscular contraction to work efficiently, and exercise does the trick.

And if you hike, bike or kayak outside, you’ll get your vitamin D as well, which is a big immune system booster.

Keep in mind that it’s best to stay mobile and exercise throughout the day, if you can.

Lymphatic massage

Since the lymph system relies on muscular contraction, massage can help move lymph throughout the body, giving the immune system a kick in the right direction.

Lymphatic drainage massage uses repetitive, gentle and rhythmic touch to move lymph.

The circular pumping and tiny vibrations liquefy congestion in the body.

And that increases resistance to disease, both short-term and long-term.

For more information on holistic ways to boost your immune system, call us today:

Palos Verdes: 310-392-9190
Santa Monica: 310-399-1722

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