

Your lymphatic system is responsible for cleansing impurities from your body, but unfortunately, it’s not always full proof.

This system doesn’t actually have its own pump by which lymph is able to circulate and do its work. Rather, it relies on other body parts to get the job done – muscles, blood vessels, etc.

We all know that lymphatic massage can help, but here are a few other quick ways you can stimulate your lymph system.


Perhaps the most obvious but most effortful way to regulate proper lymph flow is through regular exercise.

Since lymph flow counts heavily on muscle movement, it only make sense that to cleanse your body of toxins and the like, you’d need to exercise from time to time.

A 2005 study notes, “lymph flow increases by approximately 2-to 3-fold higher while exercising than at rest.”

Any exercise will do the trick, but exercises particularly focused on working out large muscle groups will likely work best.

Yoga is particularly good for promoting lymph flow, especially poses where the legs are above the heart – allowing gravity to work on the lymph passageways.

Hot / cold showers

Believe it or not, alternating between hot and cold showers has been known to be effective in promoting healthy lymph flow.

Going back and forth between hot and cold causes lymphatic peristalsis. That is, the hot showers cause lymph vessels to relax, and the cold cause them to contract.

Stand under hot water for 2 minutes, then switch to cold for another 2. Do this for several rotations, and overtime, you may start feeling a whole lot better.

Deep breathing

Along with other large muscles, your diaphragm (that large muscle that helps you breathe) is essential for regulating healthy lymph flow.

Whether you take some time out of the day to meditate, or you regularly do yoga, deep in-through-nose-out-through-mouth breathing is very beneficial for your lymphatic system.

Get a lymphatic massage

Unlike standard massages, it’s the goal of a lymphatic massage to stimulate the flow of lymph in order to rid your body of toxins.

Also unlike a standard massage, this technique only employs very light pressure to the skin – too much pressure can actually have negative effects on the lymphatic system.

Need some more lymphatic information? Don’t hesitate to visit us at our detox spa in Palos Verdes or Santa Monica, today.

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