

From intriguing treatments to novel workout routines, wellness advice is everywhere. However, the common phrase “You are what you eat,” couldn’t be more important. The truth is, if you really want to exude wellness in body and mind, you’ve got to start with what you eat.

Here’s a handful of healthy foods you should eat for detox.


As great to look at as they are to taste, avocados are an antioxidant-rich fruit, fully fit to lower cholesterol and provide loads of protein. Eating avocados is commonly associated with a better quality of diet and nutrient intake. Lower intake of added sugars, lower body weight, as well as lower metabolic syndrome risk are some additional pros.


Few people would argue the deliciousness of blueberries. But in addition to their tasty reputation, blueberries are packed with features that are ready to fight for your wellness. Did you know that blueberries are able to help ward off a variety of viruses? And they’re packed with powerful phytonutrients fit to rid the body of harmful toxins.

On top of that, this hearty berry aids in doing away with tissue-damage due to perpetual inflammation, and at the same time, it’s also able to act as a pain reliever. Paranoid about DNA damage? Just 300 grams per week can help to keep your double helix fully intact. Intense stuff, huh?


Great in a taco or on top of an omelet, cilantro is a king among antioxidant foods. This green, leafy plant pushes mercury and similarly harmful toxins out of the body, attaching them to other compounds so that they may be excreted from the body. Cilantro also contains an antibacterial compounds, which actually outperform some antibiotic drugs at killing Salmonella.


You might be wondering whether or not Dandelions are really edible, and the answer is: absolutely. Dandelion root is particularly known to have a strong positive impact on the liver and pancreas by filtering toxins from the bloodstream. Like blueberries, dandelions too are a great source of phytonutrients, and beyond that, they’re a food that’ll reliably cleanse your digestive tract.


Garlic seems to be in most cuisines these days, and although it leaves people with a less than attractive breath odor, it’s a food with some truly powerful wellness properties. For instance, raw garlic is known to elevate your immune system like few other foods. One of the best parts is that your body isn’t going to be particularly sensitive if you eat a lot of it, either. That’s because sulfur is found in large quantities of garlic, and that’s a well-known antibiotic.

Studies have shown that garlic is 100 times more powerful than synthetic antibiotics, and go into action in less time, too. In short, your body welcomes all the detoxifying elements of garlic, with open arms.

Check out our organic food diet guide for healthy foods that can help you detox. Contact us today at our Palos Verdes location for more information or to book an appointment.

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