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Surprisingly, the number one social factor contributing to long life isn’t culture, lifestyle or even genetics — it is education.

Education may be the secret to a long life

That’s according to a new study by James Smith at the RAND Corporation, a nonprofit institution helping to improve policy and decision making.

He’s not the only one to find a correlation between longevity and education. The National Institute on Aging has found the same thing in several studies.

Education, as Dr. Smith suggests, allows people to delay gratification and think ahead, instead of live in the moment. According to Dr. Smith, living in the moment is the worst thing for your health. And learning how to plan for the future can add years onto your life.

But that doesn’t mean that just because you have a doctorate, you’ll live a long and bountiful life. There are several other factors that play into longevity.

Here’s a quick list of proven ways to bump up your lifespan:

  • Eat a healthy, balanced diet according to your specific body (we suggest organic food)
  • Exercise daily
  • Stop smoking
  • Manage your stress
  • Get about 8 hours of sleep per night

Colon hydrotherapy and longevity

There’s no doubt that your gut plays a vital role in your lifespan. That’s why keeping your gut free from toxins and working at 100 percent is crucial. Colonics is one of the best ways to do that. Colonic irrigation uses sterile, warm water gently instilled into the colon to cleanse toxins and remove waste. And that helps keep away disease and other ailments, which can drastically cut your longevity.

For more information on improving your lifespan, colon hydrotherapy and alternative therapies, call us now:

Palos Verdes Spa – 310-392-9190

Santa Monica Spa – 310-399-1722


If a close family member or friend of yours has ever been through a stroke, you know how detrimental they can be. These “brain attacks” occur when a blood clot blocks an artery or when a blood vessel breaks. That interrupts blood flow and brain cells can begin to die, which can leave victims with loss of speech, movement and memory.

But over 80 percent – that’s four-fifths – of strokes can be prevented, according to the National Stroke Association (NSA). This is where conventional medicine truly excels, because there emergency meds that can actually dissolve a blood clot. But you’ll typically need to be treated within an hour.

Prevent a stroke

Get some exercise

Physical activity can greatly decrease your risk of a stroke, especially if you exercise five or more time per week. The NSA defines physical activity as a brisk walk for at least 30 minutes per day.

Get some sunshine

Vitamin D has been associated with a much lower risk of stroke. And all you need to do in order to get some is step outside. Your body naturally produces vitamin D when it comes in contact with sunlight. If you can’t outside for at least 20 minutes during the day, check out Mercola vitamin D spray.

Get some good food

Diet has been directly linked with stroke occurrence, especially high-salt diets, which increase blood pressure. We recommend eating a diet filled with organic foods that is low in calories, saturated fat trans fats and cholesterol.


If you do think you or someone else is having a stroke, the NSA recommends using the acronym FAST:

F = FACE: Ask the person to smile. Does one side of the face droop?

A = ARMS: Ask the person to raise both arms. Does one arm drift downward?

S = SPEECH: Ask the person to repeat a simple sentence. Does the speech sound slurred or strange?

T = TIME: If you observe any of these signs (independently or together), call 911 immediately.

You should also watch out for trouble walking, confusion, numbness, trouble seeing and a severe headache.

Contact us today more for information about health, wellness and stroke prevention:

Palos Verdes Spa – 310-392-9190
Santa Monica Spa – 310-399-1722


We recently had a client ask us about “earthing“, or “grounding.” While it’s not a new holistic practice, it’s one that should certainly be in your vocabulary. That’s because it can aid in the healing process, decreasing the amount of chronic inflammation in your body just by connecting with Mother Earth on a daily basis.

What is grounding?

The earth provides us with everything we need to survive, including an eternal, natural, healing energy. But due to our modern lifestyle, we aren’t as connected to that energy as we used to be. The use of rubber, or plastic-soled shoes, keeps us from planting our feet firmly on the ground, a natural practice that allows earth’s healing energy to constantly flow through our bodies. New research has shown that the disconnect might contribute to the chronic pain, fatigue, and poor sleep patterns so common today.

“Earthing” is simply walking barefoot outside on the grass, dirt, sand or concrete for 30 minutes per day. If you try it on wood, asphalt or vinyl, it won’t work. You have to stand on a conductive surface in order to absorb the energy. There are also plenty of products – like special shoes – that help with the practice, but the easiest way is to just step outside barefoot. Think of it as Vitamin G, for “Ground.”

Why it promotes healing

A lot of pain and disease is caused by chronic inflammation. That inflammation is caused by free radicals within the body. When you connect with the earth, negatively-charged electrons are absorbed in the body, killing the free radicals. This has been supported by research and a large number of people. But try it for yourself to see if it works for you.

Pair it with colonics or lymphatic massage

Connecting with the earth is a great way to promote natural healing within your body, but sometimes the body needs more of a boost. Colon hydrotherapy cleanses the body of toxins that often increase the development of free radicals. And lymph massage moves white blood cells throughout the body, giving it more healing power.

We invite you to come to our Palos Verdes location and practice grounding. Call us today for more information!

  • Palos Verdes Spa – 310-392-9190
  • Santa Monica Spa – 310-399-1722

It’s a shame that sleep, one of the most important things for your health, is often one of the most overlooked. We can’t place enough emphasis on sleep as a source of healing. But most Americans, especially those with sleep disorders, may not be getting enough. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to ensure a good night’s rest.

Colon hydrotherapy for sleep

Colonics is a great way to prepare your body for a good night’s sleep. Why? Often, toxins within the body are a cause of sleep deprivation. A colonic gets rid of compacted fecal matter and other waste within the colon, giving your body the chance rejuvenate and rest.

Here are some other quick tips for better rest:

  • Avoid afternoon caffeine: If you can, avoid caffeine all together. But if you need an extra boost, get it before 2:00 p.m. That will give the natural effects time to wear off.
  • Sip on some wine: But do it with dinner. Drinking wine right before bed, or any alcohol, will actually disturb the sleep process. But having a glass earlier in the night can help you relax.
  • Do yoga: It won’t only relax your body; it will relax your mind. Focus on your breathing, reduce muscle tension and put your mind at ease so you can fall into a deep sleep.
  • Dim the lights: Too much light close to bedtime can make it hard to fall into a slumber. Keep your room dark, dim the lights and relax.

For more information or a consultation about sleep disorders, colon hydrotherapy and other alternative therapies, call us today!

  • South Bay Spa – 310-392-9190
  • Santa Monica Spa – 310-399-1722

We’re not alone. Our bodies are filled with bacteria, fungi and other micro-organisms. It’s estimated that for every human cell, there are 10 microbes. Collectively, it’s known as the microbiome. And no two microbiomes are alike.

But don’t worry; a majority of these microbes are beneficial to the body. In fact, they help regulate a lot of activities, including vital functions like breaking down food to make it digestible. They also help process nutrients so that our bodies can actually use them efficiently. That’s why it’s crucial to take care of the microbiome within your body through diet and alternative therapies like colonics.

How it affects you

The microbiome plays a major part in your health, your life span and even some of the actions and decisions you make. Microorganisms within the body regulate how we digest, how much we eat and even how our immune system performs. How you care for the organisms in your body may actually be the most important decision you make.

Here are some tips on taking care of those microbes:

Eating the right foods

Diet is crucial to the way the microbes in your body perform. Unhealthy eating can breed disease in the digestive tract and alter the environment in your body. Eating a diet rich in organic fruits and vegetables can really boost your overall health, but it’s also important to get some probiotics.

Try eating foods rich in probiotics to populate your digestive tract with beneficial bacteria. Foods like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut and even dark chocolate contain a lot of probiotics and can really make a difference.

Alternative therapies

Regular colonic irrigation can be beneficial to the entire body. Not only can it help when you’re sick, it’s a good way to prevent sickness and avoid antibiotics. Antibiotics can destroy a lot of the precious organisms within your body. When that happens, your body has to rebuild all of the beneficial bacteria. That can take some time. Colonics, lymphatic massage, enemas and other alternative therapies not only reduce the need for antibiotics, they clear out toxins, creating an ideal environment for microbes.

Here’s an interactive map of the microbiome of Scientific American.

For information on colonics, wellness and the microbiome, call us at one of our Los Angeles spas:

Palos Verdes Spa – 310-392-9190

Santa Monica Spa – 310-399-1722


If you’re feeling tired and sleep deprived, you’re not alone. It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of American life – especially if you’re living in a major city like Los Angeles, California. But between alternative therapies, like colonic irrigation, and natural remedies, like 10 minutes of exercise, you can boost your energy and wellness.


Change your diet

We mention food a lot on this blog, but that’s because it can really do wonders for your entire body. Eating a lot of omega-3 fatty acids not only improves mood, it improves brain function, which is vital for fighting fatigue. Eat fish or plants with a lot of omega-3 fatty acids on a daily basis. Avoid fast food, which can send your body into a whirlwind, and consider an organic food diet – your colon, and your colonic hydrotherapist, will thank you.

Trade coffee for chia seeds

There’s no doubt about it, the amount of caffeine in coffee will provide you with a quick pick-me-up. But if you really want to do your body some good, try pulling out some chia seeds and putting them in a yogurt snack or on top of a salad. They are filled with fiber, protein and B vitamins. You’ll get an energy boost without feeling anxious or jittery.

Take a hike

Not metaphorically, but literally, take a hike. Hiking in a wooded area can really set your mind at ease and energize your body at the same time. Any form of exercise can really help. Try biking, running or even going for a swim. It doesn’t have to be long amount of time. Just 10 minutes at a time sporadically throughout the day can get your blood flowing.

Colonic irrigation

Colon hydrotherapy can clear toxins out of the body, giving it room to function like it’s supposed to. Believe it or not, your body expends a lot of power trying to rid of those toxins naturally. That can lead to heavy fatigue. Regular colonic sessions can provide your digestive system the power it needs to rejuvenate and soak up all the nutrition you provide it with.


Stress can wear down the immune system of the body, which takes quite a toll on your energy level. If you’re stressed at work, or at home, it’s time to take a breather. Have a dinner with friends and take some time away to reflect.

For information on colonics, wellness and ways to boost your energy, call us at one of our Los Angeles spas:

Palos Verdes Spa – 310-392-9190

Santa Monica Spa – 310-399-1722