
Although in some respects they are quite similar, colonics and enemas actually serve different functions, and they come from differing ideas of how best to promote and maintain colon health and wellness.

Here are a few differences.

One purpose vs. a few

Where the sole purpose of an enema is to remedy constipation, colonic irrigation has several goals. Colonic irrigation is sometimes thought to alleviate constipation, but it also exists to act as an on-going treatment – to maintain a sense of total-body wellness.

Additionally, colon hydrotherapy is designed to rid the body of harmful toxins and bacteria. While one will get this second-handedly from a properly working enema, many wellness experts claim that without a colonic, toxins will still be left clinging to the colon walls.

The active ingredients 

In order to rid waste from the colon, enemas employ sodium phosphate, which creates an imbalance between the colon wall and the rest of the body – softening stool by creating excess moisture.

On the other hand, colon cleansing employs no other ingredients besides water and a little bit of pressure. These simple elements alone are enough to achieve the goals of the therapy.

Preventative vs remedial 

While enemas are only recommended as a remedy to an existing problem, colonics are available for those who want to continue to keep their colon clean so that colon issues aren’t able to escalate.

Physical effort involved

Even with the aid of an enema, many people with bad cases of constipation still have to exert a great deal of effort to pass waste – this can cause a great deal of pain and stress.

Although colonic irrigation has been known to be a bit uncomfortable, the therapist and the irrigation instruments pretty much do all the work for you. As such, the procedure has been known to be therapeutic and luxurious.

Interested in learning more about colon hydrotherapy? Don’t hesitate to visit us at our spa in Palos Verdes, today.

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