

The medical world is starting to recognize the colon more and more as the most neglected organ of the body. It plays a vital role in overall health. Unfortunately, because it is so neglected, it is often the starting point for many different diseases and ailments.

Along with a variety of other conditions, colonics can help with skin problems. It does this by enhancing the ability of the colon to absorb vitamins, minerals and other essential fatty acids, which are all vital to healthy skin.

How it helps

When the colon goes without cleansing, excess fecal matter can build up. The surplus accumulation causes toxins and other bad bacteria to be released throughout the body. Those toxins can cause a variety of skin problems including acne, eczema and psoriasis – the skin is the largest excretory organ, and seepage of toxins through the pores is part of what creates these skin issues.

When the colon is clean, vitamin A – and other vitamins and minerals that the skin craves – is more easily absorbed through the colon.

What is colon hydrotherapy?

Colonic irrigation is a natural way to clean the colon. During the therapy, warm, filtered and sterilized water is instilled gently into the colon via a small speculum that is inserted into the anus. The natural peristalsis of your body is activated by the flow of water, which helps move waste and other toxins out of the body.

You are fully covered during the session. The therapist may choose to use abdominal massage and acupressure points to release more waste. A normal colon hydrotherapy treatment lasts approximately 45 minutes.

Additional ailments

Healthy skin isn’t the only benefit you can gain from colonics. Regular cleansing of the colon is also extremely beneficial for constipation, diarrhea, diverticulitis, Chron’s Disease, IBS, bad breath, gallstones, overall sluggishness, irritability and other illnesses.

To learn more about colonic irrigation, or to schedule your session, please contact us:

Colonic Santa Monica Spa: 310-392-9190

Colonic Palos Verdes Spa:  310-399-1722


Transformational Health Colon Hydrotherapy

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