
Shoes just may be the cause for many inflammatory issues, and consequently several diseases.

That’s right — shoes.

Grounding or earthing might be the natural cure for chronic inflammation

Most of us in this modern day of age wear shoes with rubber or plastic soles for the better part of the day.

But that, of course, isn’t natural.

And it may be preventing our wellness.

What’s natural is having the soles of our feet in contact with the dirt, rocks and water of the earth on a daily basis.

In the simplest terms possible, earthing, also known as grounding, is just that — it’s walking barefoot, grounding your body to the earth.

That helps to lower inflammation and cure the body of ills.

But as simple as it sounds, it’s backed by science.

Scientific evidence for grounding

Earthing was originally developed by Clint Ober, and the technique is spreading like wildfire.

Many on the Tour de France are rumored to have used an earthing recovery bag to speed recovery and increase sleep quality while on the race — Lance Armstrong is supposedly a member of that group.

Even Dr. Mercola and Dr. Oz are on board, supporting the healing powers of the technique.

The theory is that back when we had no shoes, the soles of our feet were in constant contact with Earth’s surface energy.

When you walk barefoot, your skin acts as a conductor, and there’s a transfer of free electrons from the Earth into your body.

And free electrons are possibly the most potent antioxidants on the planet.

Those antioxidants — free electrons — discharge the free radicals that run around rampant in our bodies.

Free radicals are, of course, part of the inflammatory response, and back when we were in constant contact with the Earth, they were discharged after they did their job of protecting the body from infection.

But now, those free radicals have nowhere to go, and they are wreaking havoc on our bodies.

Earthing is a natural solution for the chronic inflammation that causes so many diseases.

How to Earth

The best, and cheapest, way to start grounding, is to simply walk barefoot for at least 30 minutes a day on dirt, rocks or in water.

However, there are now plenty of products available that can discharge those free radicals, including an earthing mat and sheets.

We urge you to come to our Palos Verdes location and walk on our grounds after a colon hydrotherapy or lymphatic massage session.

Call us today for more information on alternative health and healing:

Palos Verdes: 310-392-9190
Santa Monica: 310-399-1722

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