
Massage therapy doesn’t always require a hard touch.

In fact, when treating the lymphatic system, a very light touch is all that’s needed.

And this low-pressure lymphatic massage therapy can do wonders for the body.

The body’s cleansing tool

The lymphatic system, part of the circulatory system, is one of the human body’s purifying mechanisms. It transports lymph, a liquid containing white blood cells, throughout the body, ridding it of various toxins.

This essential system transports about two to three liters of lymph around the body every day, aiding in purification.

It’s comprised of lymphatic vessels, little conduits that carry the fluid and filter plasma.

Tool break from time to time

Like countless other bodily systems, the lymphatic system isn’t able to serve its purpose 100 percent of the time.

It’s not uncommon to develop lymph build-up in lymph vessels — preventing normal flow.

While those with mild build-up might feel tired and lethargic, others with a more serious lack of lymph flow might have a condition called lymphedema – which can be quite painful.

A delicate procedure

The lymphatic system relies on contractions of the smooth muscle cells in the lymph vessels, or peristalsis. Skeletal muscles also play a big part.

Due to the shallow location of much of the lymphatic system just under the skin, only a very small amount of pressure is necessary for lymphatic drainage massage.

The therapist will usually perform the procedure going in circular motions, with less than 9 ounces per square inch directly on the skin.

It’s a painless procedure, even for those dealing with very painful conditions like lymphedema.

According to the Standford University School of Medicine, manual lymph drainage is very effective in promoting lymph flow for lymphedema.

And if it’s good for a pressing condition like that, it’ll certainly be effective for those simply feeling lethargic, too.

Have questions or want more lymphatic information? Don’t hesitate to visit us at our detox spa today.

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