
It’s clear that even the best of the best know the benefits of receiving a colonic.

There’s no doubt that’s it’s great for colon health, but you don’t have to take it from us.

Dr. Anish Sheth, assistant professor of medicine at Yale University discusses the increasing popularity of the procedure in an article by Fox News.

“The goal of a colonic procedure is to cleanse the colon of stool debris and toxins to increase overall health…it’s something that’s picked up in popularity in the last ten years or so,” Sheth told Fox News.

People like health consultant and colon therapist, Janice Doochin of Nashville, Tenn, see a colonic procedure as a treatment to the colon’s constipation reaction to processed foods.

“Because of the increase of processed food, the colon has become more clogged than it would have been 100 years ago,” Doochin said in the story.

One of the main concerns about this detoxification method is that is wipes the colon of its good bacteria. But Doochin argues that the good bacteria aren’t able to do the job anyway, and that it doesn’t really matter in the long-run.

“You’re stripping it all, but you’re creating this new ground to get this new probiotics back,” Doochin said.

Colonic experts, say that in addition to the other benefits, colon hydrotherapy can help improve your skin, too.

“People with all kinds of skin problems, i.e., acne, psoriasis, eczema, etc., usually can benefit from a therapeutic course of colonic irrigations. The skin is the largest excretory organ in the body, the skin may act as a major excretory organ.”

Although many think that colonic irrigation is just has roots in the alternative medicine scene, one of its earliest proponents was John Harvey Kellogg, a medical doctor.

Kellogg frequently lectured on colon therapy and recommended colonics for many conditions, such as depression and arthritis.

If you’re interested in learning more about the benefits of a detox with colonic irrigation, don’t hesitate to visit our wellness center around Santa Monica and Palos Verdes.

Palos Verdes: 310-392-9190
Santa Monica: 310-399-1722

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