
Before undergoing any health-based treatment or procedure, like colon hydrotherapy, it’s important to prepare. It’s the best way to ensure a beneficial outcome.

Taking preparation advice from your physician, dentist, chiropractor, or alternative wellness practitioner can go a long way.

And just like any other health-promoting procedure, getting colonic irrigation requires some DIY prep-work. The things we’ll recommend to you aren’t exhaustive, so before you undergo this detoxification process, it’s important to ask your colonic technician what other techniques you can employ in order to get the most from the session.

Here are a couple of prep steps:

Do Your Research

Read up on exactly what the session will involve. After a colonic irrigation, you’ll likely feel completely revitalized. But it’s important to keep your body in tip-top shape before and after.

Give your body a boost 

Before undergoing colonics, it’s important to be in good spirits. And keep in mind that colonics work best (whether it is in regard to weight loss, constipation, arthritis, etc) if you combine it with regular exercise, a healthy diet, and regular checkups with your doctor.

Simply put, there’s no question that the procedure works, but you you’ll get the most out of it when you make it part of an arsenal and not the sole cure.


Although you’ll feel very refreshed after the procedure, you may also be a bit dehydrated.

According to Dr. Michael F. Picco, M.D., colon cleansing may lead to an increased risk of dehydration. Yes, unfortunately, it’s true. Apart from its amazing ability to flush out the digestive tract and leave patients feeling incredibly refreshed, along with flushing out bad bacteria, the procedure also ends up taking some water from your system.

All in all, it’s highly suggested that you frequently drink water in the days leading up to the session and post colonics.

For more information on how to prepare for a session, or for info on colon hydrotherapy benefits, contact us today:

Palos Verdes detox day spa: 310-392-9190 


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One Response to “Quick tips for colon hydrotherapy preparation”

  1. Keam Says:

    What an enjoyable (and may I say iunightfsl) read! You may not know it, but this post of yours gave me so many realizations. I wonder if it occurs to you and other people, too, but there are times when I get wonderful ideas from things that don’t have anything to do at all with what’s in my mind. On a different note, I read a lot of blogs, it’s what I do before I head off to the gym, and I can’t believe some of the trash that some people are putting out, like a magic bullet for this, and a so-called-secret for that. Like in the topic of body-building, I’ve read quite a number of blogs that talk about products that make building muscles almost instantaneous! Imagine, bodybuilding without breaking a sweat?! Come on! At the very least you need to have a workout program which you will actually follow! Now I’m ranting, sorry. I’ll look around your blog some more before heading to another one.

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