

While processed food manufacturers may claim that margarine and other butter “alternatives” are healthy options for your diet, Donna Gates debunks these myths in “The 20 Health Benefits of Real Butter.” Gates’ article reveals the truth behind the margarine versus butter debate: butter is better.

For anyone familiar with the development of processed foods, you know that the additives and methods used in creating much of the food in grocery stores are toxic for our bodies. In the butter debate, though, so many of us believe that processed margarines are better for our diets because they are lower in fat and cholesterol. However, fat and cholesterol are not evil. In fact, they are vital to our existence. We just need to consume them in moderation. Eating margarine eliminates some of the healthy fats we need in our diets and replaces them with hydrogenated and processed polyunsaturated oils that create serious health risks.

From protecting against tooth decay to providing Vitamins E and K, Gates’ list of the 20 benefits of butter reveals that butter, in its natural state, is naturally good for us. While some cholesterol-free and fat-free food manufacturers want us to believe that eliminating fats and cholesterols from diets is good, the cholesterol in butter is vital to children’s brains and nervous system development.

It’s no secret that America has a serious obesity problem, and much of this issue can be attributed to our reliance on processed foods – even the foods that are fat-free. When the body is clouded with unnatural food additives and chemicals, the digestive system cannot function properly. Gates suggests that replacing that jar of margarine in the refrigerator with homemade raw and organic butter provides relief from some of these toxins.

Read all of Gates’ article HERE, and discover one of the keys to detoxifying your body on the way to better living.

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One Response to “Why Real Butter is Crucial to Your Diet”

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