
Detox from fluoride

Fluoride in tap water

Nowadays, it seems like we’re constantly discovering something new in the environment that can be harmful to our bodies. And although we’ve always been told that tap water is safe, health officials have recently changed their minds.

Since the early 60s, it has been recommended that 0.7 to 1.2 milligrams of fluoride be put into every liter of water, but now, the Department of Health and Human Services says that a mere 0.7 milligrams is adequate. (Finally, they’re starting to come around.)
Maybe the amount of fluoride originally put in tap water was right for the time, but many Americans now have access to highly potent toothpastes and mouthwashes, which makes the original tap-water-fluoride-amount outdated, and potentially unhealthy.
Over-exposure to fluoride can pose mild to serious health and cognitive issues. Here are a handful of them and detox programs you can use to ride your body of this harmful chemical.
Dental Fluorsis 
The first 8 years of life are critical in the future health of a child’s teeth, as this is when they’re first forming. Unfortunately, too much fluoride in tap water may make teeth discolored and brown. In more serious cases, the enamel of the teeth can become effected, which may even result in their eventual decay.
Gastrointestinal problems
It’s not uncommon for people living in highly fluoridated areas to report various abdominal issues – things such as nausea, upper bowl pain, heartburn, and irritable bowls.
Detox: Cut back on tap water and use a colonic irrigation program to cleanse your system.
General fatigue
In small amounts, fluoride is good for you, but when you ingest high amounts for years on end, it can definitely wear down you down. “Brain fog,” tiredness – they’re all symptoms of over-exposure to fluoride in tap water.
Detox: Use lymphatic massage sessions to improve blood flow and move waste from the body.
Lowered IQ
A reputable study concluded that babies given formula containing water with fluoride, may have developed lower IQs, as a result. That is, children are raised in areas with highly fluoridated water have significantly lower IQ scores, than those who live in lower fluoridated areas.
How to combat the problem
If you want to detox from the fluoride you’ve ingested, start by choosing bottled water over water out of the tap. In addition,use particular wellness treatments — colon hydrotherapy and lymphatic massage, which are particularly good for detoxification if done regularly — to detox and improve overall wellness.
Call us at our Palos Verdes spa for more details about detox programs and fluoride.

Lymphatic massage is perhaps one of the most beneficial ways to detox your body. By using a light, rhythmic and methodical touch on the abdomen, pelvis, chest and head, your body receives an immune boost.

The lymphatic system is the body’s “water purification system.” And lymph gets pumped through the system whenever you exercise, sweat and breathe. But when you’re sluggish or sedentary, your overall health suffers.

Fortunately, lymph massage can help.

Here are five ways that this gentle massage technique can benefit your body:

Relieves Pain

Many practitioners of manual lymphatic drainage believe that manual lymph therapy can have a profound impact on the relief of pain. According to Gate Theory, non-painful sensations close the “gates” to painful sensations. In the case of lymphatic drainage, its soothing touch is just what someone suffering might need – removing chemicals from the specific cells associated with the actual pain response.

Lowers hypertension

The repetitive nature of this massage technique has been known to have a very calming effect on the nervous system. It creates in many people a state of deep relaxation — allowing lymph to flow more freely, blood vessel walls to open up, and ultimately lowering blood pressure, if done regularly.

Cosmetic treatment

Surprisingly, the therapy has been known to improve the appearance of scar tissue, and to reduce inflammation, post-surgery or injury. The idea is that the light touch does not “interfere” with blood or tissue, which would agitate the problem even more. With its light touch, it’s able to smooth out the problem areas, increasing healing time. It can also be used to do away with lines and wrinkles, to an extent.

Revs the immune system

Not only can lymph massage help cure problems that are already present, it can also boost the immune system, as a kind of preventative care. When you receive the therapy on a regular basis, your chances on contracting things like arthritis, auto-immune disease and bronchitis can decrease dramatically. It’s a great way to boost your overall wellness.


We’ve all been there at some point or another — that time when you just can’t seem “to go.” As it turns out, lymph massage can help with that as well. Gluten and other heavy foods are known to cause bloating, blockage, and general discomfort. Since the intestines too have blood vessels, they can also become relaxed through the light-touch therapy, opening the way for waste to pass more freely.

Looking for more lymphatic information? Call us at our Palos Verdes location today.

Colonic irrigation is an extraordinary way to cleanse your body. It’ll leave you feeling light, refreshed, and revitalized. The only downside is that it’s not free. Surprisingly though, there are countless ways to detox your body for absolutely nothing.

People are often convinced that in order to see tangible results, they’re going to have to shell out some amount of money. But the truth is, getting in the routine of simply living healthy can go a long way when it comes to ridding your body of toxins.

Drink plenty of water

You’ve heard it countless times before, but perhaps you’ve never fully taken the advice. Although the views on “how much” water to drink per day, are mixed, most experts advise about 8, 8-ounce glasses.

Then again, this depends a lot on your age, sex, weight, fat/muscle ratio, etc. Needless to say, drinking enough H20 on a daily basis is crucial for keeping your body toxin-free.

(Check out our Organic Food Diet Guide for more information on how to stay property hydrated.)

Stay active

That 9 t0 5 desk job isn’t doing anything to help you in the detoxification process. The more you remain stationary, the more toxins and pollutants have the opportunity to dwell in your body, doing a number on your immune system.

If you do work at a computer most of the day, try standing, taking breaks and moving your legs. Perpetual motion is the key here. If you can take a half-hour run after work, do it. Raising your heart rate for about 30 minutes a day can help.

Get lots of sleep

Many people are under the impression that sleep just isn’t that important. Sure, it’s something we all like to do, but if you don’t have time for it, you don’t have time for it. Mounting research says that this is not a healthy way to look at the matter. In our fast-paced society, people need to make sleep an absolute priority.

While young adults need about 9 hours of sleep per night, older adults might be able to get by on a solid 6.


Meditation is a practice that’s gaining a lot of traction in the health world — especially in the wellness community — and for good reason. Many neuroscientific studies have shown that meditating daily can lower stress, increase focus, and in doing so, rid the body of all sorts of impurities.

Meditation doesn’t have to be looked at as a “magical” thing “Mindfulness” is a popular style of meditation in which the practitioner simply sits quietly and pays close attention to their moment-to-moment experience, not getting lost in thought, or holding on to particular thoughts for too long. It’s just a way of centering yourself, really.

Want to learn more about detox? Call us at our Palos Verdes location today.

You might opt for a massage alleviate stress, or simply to feel good. If you’re having serious inflammatory issues, though, lymphatic drainage massage might be the viable therapy for what ails you.

A low-pressure massage which drains toxin-carrying lymph from the nervous system; lymphatic massage is painless, non-invasive, and great for you. Best of all, it’s helpful in treating different types of inflammation.

Here are five types of inflammation that lymphatic massage can treat.


Common in older folks, lymphedema is a swelling of the limbs, due to obstructed blood vessels. Many people seek temporary remedy for this condition through lymph massage, and have had some definite success.

Post-anesthesia removal

Characterized as an inflammation of grogginess and cloudy cognition, post- anesthesia symptoms can occasionally be treated with lymphatic drainage massage. Consciousness is a whole-body phenomenon, and when the chemical anesthetic is slowly removed from the body via a massage of this kind, many report being more aware and alert.

Post-surgery edema

If you went in for highly invasive surgery, it’s not likely that your body will act kindly to it. Swelling or “stagnant fluid” (edema) is often present after going under the knife, and lymphatic drainage therapy has long been known to help reduce this nuisance.

Mold toxicity

Ingesting large amounts of mold is never good for your wellness. Whether it’s chronic allergies, or simply living in a less than cleanly space, certain microorganisms can be harmful to your immune system and cause inflammation — mostly to your respiratory system. Believe it or not, a series of lymph treatments can work wonders when it comes to ridding your body of these toxins.


Fibromyalgia is common in older women and men alike, but it tends to be more common in women. Chronic muscle pain and tenderness is the gist of the syndrome, but on-going tiredness is usually present, as well. Several studies show the effectiveness of manual lymph massage in alleviating this pain.

In one study, half the participants were with fibromyalgia were put on a regiment of lymphatic massage five times a week for 3 weeks, while the others were put on a connective tissue massage regiment for the same amount of time.

Although significant pain reduction was found in both groups, those who had undergone lymphatic drainage massage reported significantly less pain.

Want more info on lymphatic massage and inflammation? Call our Palos Verdes Spa location.

Out of all the detox programs available, there’s one natural method that can deliver exceptional results — sleep.

You may not think of sleep as an activity you do to get healthy — it’s just something your body needs. But, science is now confirming the idea that there is “good sleep” and “bad sleep.”

The truth is, there are ways of sleeping that help your body detox, aiding in your overall wellness. And there are also ways of sleeping that might not be doing you much good.

Here are a few sleeping methods your body will thank you for.

Develop a sleep routine

With your busy schedule and the unpredictability of everyday life, it might be tough to wake up and tuck in at set times, but this regular sleep rhythm is just what your body needs for detoxification.

If you find that you’re not tired when you first lay down for bed, don’t force it. Anxiety about falling asleep can keep your brain in a highly aware state, which is obviously not what you want. Try reading a book or a magazine while sitting up, and when you feel yourself nodding off, hit the lights and call it a night.

Leave technology outside the bedroom

Scrolling through a Facebook feed is how most of us unwind before bed these days, but a great deal of research says that it’s not good for you. Studies suggest that illuminated screens on laptops, tablets, and smart phones, might be interrupting healthy sleep patterns.

As rule of thumb, set your smart devices aside, 45 minutes before you decide to hit the hay.

Be aware of you eat and drink

Avoid eating or drinking things before bed that will prevent you from getting some solid shut-eye.

For instance, steer clear of lots of liquid, as it’ll cause you the urge for urination. Similarly, eating spicy foods prior to sleep, can cause you to wake up with “night sweats,” let alone another urge to use the bathroom.

It’s long been known that caffeine ought to be avoided pre-bedtime, as the effects can take hours to wear off. And, alcohol might help you fall asleep, but it too can interrupt regular sleep cycles.

What you eat and drink during the day can also have an impact on your sleep. Check out our Organic Diet Guide to restore your health.

Make an extra effort for comfort

Sure, sleeping itself doesn’t cost you anything, but if you’re going to cleanse your body with sleep, you have to make sure you do it right.

Whether it’s purchasing a down comforter, getting an extra fan, or investing in a whole new mattress, you should be willing to part with a few extra dollars in order to gain some extra long-term health benefits.

Want a few more tips on improving sleep quality or detoxification? Give us a call at our Palos Verdes Spa location.


Colon cancer rates, overall, have been falling the last few decades. But a recent study published in the Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology suggests that colon cancer rates are increasing among young and early-aged young adults – men and women between 20 and 49.

While there’s on direct explanation for why this is happening, it’s undeniable that more education is needed about the colon and simple, everyday practices that can boost your colon health.

Here are three things you can start doing now to improve the health of your body’s large intestine:


Exercising isn’t just about losing weight. In fact, according to a study by the American Cancer Society, exercising provides a 16% decrease in the risk of developing colon polyps. It offers a 30 percent decrease in developing advanced polyps.

According to the CDC, adults need about 2 hours and 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity weekly, or and an hour and 15 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity weekly. That means activities like fast walking, water aerobics, biking, tennis or every pushing a lawn mower for moderate activity. For vigorous activity, that means activities like running, swimming, biking, tennis and basketball.

It also suggests muscle-strengthening activities about two or more days per week. Keep in mind that an activity like yoga counts as muscle-strengthening.

Change up the diet

Research has linked the consumption of cruciferous vegetables to a lower risk of colon cancer. And somewhere around 50 to 75 percent of colorectal cancer can be prevented through lifestyle changes like health eating, notes the Color Cancer Foundation.

Some of the rules include eating more vegetables, limiting red and processed meat, backing off of sugar and increasing fiber intake in general.

Get more sunshine

Observational studies have found a link between high vitamin D levels and a reduced risk of colon cancer. And a recent study published in the journal Gut found that the higher the blood levels of people with vitamin D, the less likely they were to develop colorectal tumors.

So get out in the sun as much as possible.

Other prevention methods

The three lifestyle changes listed above just skin the surface of boosting your colon health. You can also try colon hydrotherapy and other natural detox programs to enhance overall health and wellness.

For more information on colon health and detox programs, call us at our Palos Verdes spa location.

If you’re not fond of using allergy meds or other over-the-counter sinus remedies, there’s a natural detox program for your sinuses. The neti pot has been used for thousands of years in the Hatha yoga tradition in India. And it rinses out the sinus cavity, riding it of bacteria, dust, mold and other built-up allergens.

This is a tool to use when you’re sick or have sinus congestion and a drippy nose.

“I find it to be the first line of defense in dealing with complicated sinus problems and allergy problems,” Evangeline Lausier, MD, assistant clinical professor of medicine and director of clinical services at Duke University’s department of integrative medicine, tells WebMD.

Some of the pros:

  • Nasal irrigation helps to thin out mucus.
  • It improves the coordination of the cilia to remove bacteria and other irritants.
  • It can relieve sinus symptoms.
  • It can complement sinus medications.

The cons:

  • It’s not an everyday long-term solution. In fact, a 2009 showed that it could be counterproductive when used over the long-term.
  • It could remove natural antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral agents.
  • A small percentage of users experience mild side effects such as minor nasal irritation.

Tips for using a neti-pot:

Choose your type

Neti pots come in all shapes in sizes – ceramic, plastic, big and small. But whatever size you choose, you may want to consider a pot made out of ceramic. It’s generally easier to clean and they’re a little sturdier than plastic versions. They’ll also last longer.

Use distilled or sterile water

It’s best to use distilled or sterile water. Rarely, Naegleria foweri infections have been reported when people submerge their heads or irrigate their sinuses using tap water.

In order to lower that risk, you can purchase distilled or sterile water, boil water, use a filter or disinfect your water.

Use a saline solution

Make sure your pot also comes with neti pot salt, or purchase some non-iodized sea salt and baking soda. Pour in the sea salt and baking soda into the pot and let it dissolve in the water, which will help draw fluid across the sinus membranes.

Gently blow your nose after

The key word here is “gently.” It’s important to blow your nose and get rid of excess fluid after you’ve used your neti pot, but it should be done without much effort.

Additional tips

  • Make sure the pot is clean before using it.
  • Stop using it if it makes your sinuses worse.
  • Don’t use it if you have a high fever or severe sinus infection.

Want more information on the neti pot and detox programs? Contact us at our Palos Verdes spa today.

Detoxing with a program suited to your particular body and conditions is vital. Unfortunately, not all of us have the time or money to have a professional create a personalized detox program.

But there are three simple changes you can make to your daily routine that can put you on a path to better overall health and wellness.

These tips may seem too easy, but they work.

Here are three simple ways you can start detoxing without a program.

Limit the sugar

This doesn’t need to be an all-or-nothing kind of thing. The biggest thing is to reduce the consumption of sugar and sugary foods. Be mindful of what you’re eating.

According to a study recently published in Jama Internal Medicine, Americans who consume the most sugar, which is about 25 percent of their daily caloric intake, were twice as likely to die from heart disease as those who limited sugar to 7 percent of their total daily calories.

Based on a 2,000 calorie diet, those eating the most sugar were consuming about 500 calories of sugar per day, or 31 teaspoons, notes NPR. Those who ate just 140 calories of sugar a day – 7 percent of their daily intake – were much better off, eating just about 10 teaspoons per day.

What’s average?

“The average American is consuming 22 teaspoons a day. That’s about three times what’s recommended,” Laura Schmidt of the University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine, told NPR.

To be clear, we’re just talking about added sugar here, not the naturally occurring sugar found in fruit and milk.

Cut processed foods

Packaged lunches. Canned juices. Powered cheese. Processed foods simply aren’t healthy for you. In fact, they could make you overweight and sick, notes

These foods are not only high in sugar and high fructose corn syrup, they’re designed to make you overeat.

Dr. Mercola, of, recommends spending 90 percent of your food budget on whole foods, and only 10 percent on processed foods, in order to stay optimally healthy. We think that’s a pretty good tip.

Check out our organic food diet for more info on organic, whole foods.

Increase your H2O intake

This is, by far, the easiest way to improve your overall health and wellness. Drink more water. Of course, you may need exactly eight glasses a day – that’s just a guideline. The amount of water you require depends on your body, your activity level, where you live and other variables. You may need more or less than the person next to you.

Keep in mind, your body is composed of about 60 percent water.

“Think of water as a nutrient your body needs that is present in liquids, plain water, and foods. All of these are essential daily to replace the large amounts of water lost each day,” Joan Koelemay, RD, dietitian for the Beverage Institute, an industry group, tells

Drinking water helps maintain the balance of your body fluids, it helps control calories, it energizes muscles, it helps you skin look good and it boost kidney and bowel function.

For more information about detox, health and wellness, contact us at our Palos Verdes spa.

Do you know about your colon? It’s a crucial part of the digestive system, and colon health plays a vital role in your overall wellness.

The colon is about six feet long and moves waste material from the small intestine to the rectum. As it moves waste toward the rectum, it absorbs water, helping it to flow smoothly.

But the longer it takes for waste to move through the colon, the bigger the chances that it’s also collecting toxins or harmful materials.

Inflammatory bowel disease, ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease can be the result of an unhealthy colon.

That makes it important to keep your colon healthy and fit.

Here are three ways to boost your colon health:

Eat right

You don’t have to change your diet completely. Doing anything extreme is usually a bad move. But diets high in vegetables, fruits and whole grains have been associated with a decreased risk of colon cancer, according to The American Cancer Society, or ACS.

The first move is to up your fiber intake. Women typically need around 25 grams of fiber per day while men need around 38 grams.

Next, put a limit on your intake of red and processed meats. If you consume 100 grams of red meat or 50 grams of processed meats, your risk of colon cancer increases by 15 to 20 percent, according to the ACS.

Finally, put down the sugar. Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease are typically associated with diets high in sugar.

Try colon hydrotherapy

This is a popular way to flush toxins and waste material from the colon. Warm, sterilized water is gently instilled into the colon, promoting peristalsis and the removal of toxic build up.

If you suffer from constipation, or another ailment, colonics can help you to restore regular bowel movements.

You can read more about colonic irrigation here.

Hydrate and exercise

Don’t underestimate the benefits of water. We’re mostly made up of the stuff. So it should come as no surprise that dehydration can lead to poor colon health – bloating, IBS, fatigue.

It’s recommended that you drink eight glasses of water per day, but you should certainly have more if you exercise, which is another important part of colon health.

Exercise promotes blood flow throughout the body, getting more oxygen to your organs and helping to ward of diseases. Aim for 20 to 30 minutes per day.

For more information on colon health, colonics or other alternative medicine, give us a call at our Palos Verdes spa location.

You probably aren’t getting enough fiber in your diet. Most Americans aren’t.

According to a report from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, most of us are only getting around 15 grams of fiber per day. And that’s far off from what we should be getting.

In fact, the Institute of Medicine says that we need around twice that amount to really keep our digestion running smooth.

Here’s a short guide to fiber, including what it does, how much you need and where you can get it.

Why does it matter?

Just like oil in an engine, fiber is the stuff that keeps your digestion running on all cylinders. The stuff is found naturally in the plants we eat.

There are two types of dietary fiber.

  • Soluble fiber, which combines with water and forms a gelatinous mass, supporting digestion.
  • Insoluble fiber, which absorbs water, adding bulk in the digestive track to keep things flowing.

But not only is fiber important for digestion, it plays a critical role in preventing conditions like heart disease, diabetes, obesity and, of course, constipation.

How much fiber do I really need?

Men and women require slightly different amounts. According to the Institute of Medicine, women need somewhere around 25 grams of fiber daily, while men require about 38 grams per day.

Of course, needs vary from person to person. But those amounts can serve as a good daily guideline.

Keep your amount of fiber regular, and you’ll help prevent trips to the doctor.

Where can I get it?

The easiest way to add additional fiber in your diet is by eating more vegetables, fruit, beans, whole grains and nuts, according to the U.S. government’s dietary guidelines.

But don’t forget about beans. You really can’t miss here. Try all kinds.

Then try peas, artichokes, raspberries and even prunes on for size.

You can also get a good amount of fiber from dark leafy greens, which should be always be in your daily diet.

Check out our organic food diet guide to help get on track.

What are some easy ways I can add more?

  • Start your day out with some whole grains. Look for a food source that has 5 grams or more per serving.
  • Eat whole fruit. It has around twice the amount of fiber than a glass of juice.
  • Eat raw vegetables as a snack. Up the ante by adding hummus or bean dip to the mix.

For more information on fiber, or to talk about alternative health methods, give us a call at our Palos Verdes Spa location.