
For most of us, stress is a regular part of life. So much so, that we often feel as though there’s just no escaping it. Prolonged stress can definitely do a number on your body and your mind — your overall wellness. While many people seek quick fixes for their anxiety — like prescription drugs — these can be dangerously addictive. And, on top of that, drugs don’t meet the problem, head-on, they just mask it.
Here’s a few ways stress can throw your wellness for a loop, and some easy things you can do about it.
Raises your blood pressure
One of the most prominent characteristics of ongoing stress is that it can raise your blood pressure. There are certain hormones in your body that are responsible for the “fight or flight response.” This is your body’s evolved way of dealing with scary situations — to either remove yourself from the problem, or confront it. During “fight or flight,” your heart beats rapidly and your blood vessels constrict, in order to deliver more blood to your arms and legs.
If this process happens often enough, it wouldn’t be unlikely that you’d be diagnosed with high blood pressure. Not to worry, though — meditation is a great way of remedying this.
Meditation is little more than a nuanced kind of relaxation. Just find a quiet place, close your eyes, and begin to breathe deeply — focusing just on your breath. With some practice, you’ll begin focusing your attention well enough, to where many of your body’s processes will seem to move in a more relaxed state. This can only be a good thing when it comes to your cardiovascular system.
Causes weight gain
When you’re super stressed out, a chemical in your body called cortisol is released, which can then cause you to develop quite the appetite. But, when your anxiety is high, it’s unlikely that you’re going to reach for the brussels sprouts. To the contrary, you’re much more likely to decide to eat foods high in sodium and sugar, to ease your discomfort.
While it’s mighty difficult to resist this urge, it’s vital that you do so — your wellness depends on it. There isn’t too much you can do about being hungry, but when the sensation strikes, choose organic, detox foods — kale, fish, or pure fruit smoothies — instead of the starchy, sugary, and red-meaty.
Can make you depressed
Stress doesn’t only alter the body, it also alters the mind. Many studies have shown that stress is linked to depression. Whether it be a difficult job, relationship, or finances, these compounding life events can leave your mind in a perpetual gray cloud. There’s something simply you can do about it, though. Exercise.
It may seem obvious, but it’s true. Solid exercise for a half hour a day can completely change, for the better, the way you perceive your situation in life. This is mostly due to the fact that a pleasure-based chemicals called endorphins are released during and after a solid workout. All in all, staying regularly active will make you more prepared to deal with life’s constant pressures.
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