

If you’re feeling tired and sleep deprived, you’re not alone. It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of American life – especially if you’re living in a major city like Los Angeles, California. But between alternative therapies, like colonic irrigation, and natural remedies, like 10 minutes of exercise, you can boost your energy and wellness.


Change your diet

We mention food a lot on this blog, but that’s because it can really do wonders for your entire body. Eating a lot of omega-3 fatty acids not only improves mood, it improves brain function, which is vital for fighting fatigue. Eat fish or plants with a lot of omega-3 fatty acids on a daily basis. Avoid fast food, which can send your body into a whirlwind, and consider an organic food diet – your colon, and your colonic hydrotherapist, will thank you.

Trade coffee for chia seeds

There’s no doubt about it, the amount of caffeine in coffee will provide you with a quick pick-me-up. But if you really want to do your body some good, try pulling out some chia seeds and putting them in a yogurt snack or on top of a salad. They are filled with fiber, protein and B vitamins. You’ll get an energy boost without feeling anxious or jittery.

Take a hike

Not metaphorically, but literally, take a hike. Hiking in a wooded area can really set your mind at ease and energize your body at the same time. Any form of exercise can really help. Try biking, running or even going for a swim. It doesn’t have to be long amount of time. Just 10 minutes at a time sporadically throughout the day can get your blood flowing.

Colonic irrigation

Colon hydrotherapy can clear toxins out of the body, giving it room to function like it’s supposed to. Believe it or not, your body expends a lot of power trying to rid of those toxins naturally. That can lead to heavy fatigue. Regular colonic sessions can provide your digestive system the power it needs to rejuvenate and soak up all the nutrition you provide it with.


Stress can wear down the immune system of the body, which takes quite a toll on your energy level. If you’re stressed at work, or at home, it’s time to take a breather. Have a dinner with friends and take some time away to reflect.

For information on colonics, wellness and ways to boost your energy, call us at one of our Los Angeles spas:

Palos Verdes Spa – 310-392-9190

Santa Monica Spa – 310-399-1722

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