
If you’re not already using coffee enemas to detox, you may want to add it into your program. Coffee enemas can play a vital role in any detox program.

This detoxification method has been used as part of the famous Gerson Therapy by the Gerson Institute since the 1930s. In fact, it’s the therapy’s primary method of detoxification of the tissues in the blood, and cancer patients on the therapy have up to five coffee enemas per day.

“The moment a patient is put on the full therapy, the combined effect of the food, the juices and the medication causes the immune system to attack and kill tumor tissue, besides working to flush out accumulated toxins from the body tissues. This great clearing-out procedure carries the risk of overburdening and poisoning the liver—the all-important organ of detoxification, which, in a cancer patient, is bound to be already damaged and debilitated,” said Max Gerson about the therapy, according to the Gerson Institute.

The coffee enema does is a crucial component of what Gerson is talking about, cleansing the liver and eliminating toxins.

But how does it help?

Here are three ways coffee enemas can help you detox:

Removes toxins

In a general way, the liver is like the vacuum cleaner of the bloodstream. It filters out toxins in the blood, collecting everything that doesn’t belong. But those toxins can build up, wreaking havoc on the system. Coffee enemas help remove the toxins that have accumulated in the liver.

The Gerson Institute notes that way back in the 1920s, a study found that caffeine in rats helped open up bile ducts, releasing bile, increasing bile flow and eliminating toxins from the body.

Kills free radicals

“Free radicals” are cells within the body that are damaged. Missing a molecule, they rob other molecules in the body to make up for their missing part. But they injure other cells in the process, creating a breeding ground for disease.

Detox programs that include a coffee enema help to prevent that process. Doctors at the University of Minnesota found that free radicals are destroyed in the bloodstream when a patient receives a coffee enema. “The enema acts as a form of dialysis of the blood across the gut wall,” according to the Gerson Institute.

Stimulates peristalsis

Not only does this detox method rid toxins and free radicals, it boost the natural peristalsis of the gut. Peristalsis is the wave of contraction and relaxation of the tubular muscular system. It’s how food is moved through the digestive system, how urine is passed from the kidney to the bladder and how bile is passed from the gallbladder to small intestine.

Overall, coffee enemas can increase cell production, boost tissue health, improve blood flow and assist the immune system.

For more detox information, call us at our Palos Verdes spa location today.

By this point, you’ve probably heard of all of the detox programs — juicing, obscure diets, and exercises you can only allegedly do with certain machines.

The truth is, there are easier, more effective ways to detox your body, many of which you probably already practice on occasion. The key is just consistency.

Eat right

Before you even think about cleansing your body of toxins, you ought to think about what you’re putting in your body in the first place. Eating right means a lot of different things to a lot of different people, but there are some approaches we know to be healthier than others.

For instance, eating organic, unprocessed food is a surefire way to keep toxins at bay. By maintaining a highly organic diet, you’ll be consuming foods without harmful pesticides and synthetic chemicals that can be detrimental to your heath.

Get plenty of sleep

You’re no stranger to a busy life. Constantly running from one activity to the next, sleep has become just another chore for you. As a result of this mindset, you rarely get the amount of sleep you need to properly maintain your on-the-go lifestyle.

It has commonly been said that every adult needs about 8 hours of sleep per night to keep up good health, wellness and cognitive faculties. New research suggests that many adults can function just fine on 5-6 hours of sleep per night, though.

What’s not recommended is sleeping 2 hours one night, 7 hours the next night, etc. Your body craves regularity. It’s okay not to sleep the full 8 hours, just maintain a consistent routine that your body can follow.

Exercise multiple times a week

The specific exercises you do could depend on your age, but one thing is for sure, you don’t need any fancy workout equipment to give your body a proper detoxification.

Great ways to rid toxins from your body is simply through good ol’ fashioned endurance and resistance training.

If your body can handle it, do a series of core exercises and push-ups, then go for a 20 minute run. If you’re looking for something a little less hard on the heart, try yoga. If you’re older and your bones and muscles aren’t what they used to be, a long walk will do the trick.

The key is to get your heart rate up, sweat out those toxins, and maintain a strict schedule of doing it.

Give us a call at our Palos Verdes location to learn more about detox and overall wellness.


Of course you’re familiar with the digestive system and the respiratory system, but how about the lymphatic system? Are you stumped when it comes to lymphatic information?

Lying shallowly underneath the surface of your skin, the lymphatic system is actually part of the circulatory system — transporting a fluid called “lymph,” which enhances your body’s immunity, among other things.

Here’s some more stuff you probably didn’t know.

Your body collects about 2.5 liters of lymph fluid, daily

Think about it. That’s 2.5 large soda bottles of dirty, toxin-filled lymph. That’s a lot of work for this little system!

A “bad” lymphatic system doesn’t always mean bad health

Sure, in lots of cases you might be able to tell the overall health of a person by the state of their lymphatic system, but not always.

For instance, one can be on their death bed, and have a perfectly functioning lymphatic system, and another person may be perfectly healthy, but have an inflamed lymph nodes due to surgery.

Massage can aid in lymph flow

Wellness therapists and other medical professionals are trained in a therapy called manual lymph drainage. Applying less than 9 ounces of pressure per square inch, in the areas where lymph seems to be “blocked up” can stimulate it to flow freely.

Lymphatic massage has been shown in some studies to be effective in the treatment of swelling around broken bones and other conditions.

Need some more info? Give us a call at our Palos Verdes location today.

You’ve probably heard of countless therapies and remedies which claim to clean out your bowels, leaving you feeling completely revitalized and boosting colon health. It’s commonly reported, though, that colon hydrotherapy achieves the results of juicing, a stool softener, and an appetite suppressant combined.

Here’s a few reasons why you should give colonic irrigation a try.

It can relieve constipation

Let’s be honest, there’s few things more uncomfortable than not being able “to go” when needed. By using warm water and a little pressure, a colonic therapist is able to up break up hardened waste that’s stubbornly sitting your large intestine.

After you’re done with the procedure, your colon will be completely clean. Plus, it’ll be stimulated, so you’ll be able to relieve your bowels more easily, soon after. If you’re having trouble going number two, and you’ve tried everything else, don’t fear, a colon cleanse will certainly do the trick.

It increases energy

Another amazing aspect of this water-based therapy is that it makes you feel livelier. As your colon is being cleaned, toxins and millions of unwanted bacteria leave your body — leaving you with tons of energy to exercise or get some much needed work accomplished.

It helps you shed unwanted pounds

Because colonic therapies stimulate the digestive system, and because they provide your body with more energy, the fact of the matter is that you’ll probably also lose some weight as a result of the procedure.

When you’re able to produce bowel movements more often, you’ll weigh less, and you’ll also feel more motivated to workout. On top of that, the therapy’s anti-toxin properties should also make you feel anything but sluggish (more willing to go for a run, perhaps?).

If you’re interested in learning more about our therapies, don’t hesitate to contact us at our  Palos Verdes location, today!


Regular colonic irrigation and lymphatic massage can be very beneficial as part of a detox program, but wellness therapists really appreciate it when you do some work outside of the spa.

There are plenty of ways to detox on your own for free, but these are some of the easiest. Trust us, you won’t have to do much work.

Let’s dive in.

Drink more water

Have you ever gone through a good portion of your day, only to realize that you’ve have little, if any water? It’s smart to make a conscious effort to drink water regularly throughout the day — even when you’re not necessarily thirsty. Keeping a water bottle close at all times is just smart.

Water is an amazing natural cleansing agent, as it flushes the circulatory, respiratory and digestive systems. It also leads to clearer skin. Drink more water, and you’re sure to make the most of your detox program.


You’re supposed to spend a decent portion of your life asleep, but unfortunately, far too few people actually do. Sleeping 7 to 8 hours a night is crucial to maintaining a properly working immune system. Sleep is essentially the brain’s ways of resetting itself, flushing out toxins and preparing for a new day of quick cognitive functioning.

The best part is that sleeping is obviously free, and it feels so good.


Don’t have time for the far infrared sauna? Simply sitting in your bathroom with the hot shower running is the next best thing. Ingesting water is a great way to cleanse, but expelling it can also be very beneficial.

Sweating is an easy way for toxins to leave your body. After you’re done, you’ll be in a state of extreme relaxation, and you won’t have spent a penny.

Of course, exercise will make you sweat as well. And it’ll get the blood pumping through your body, cleansing toxins and boosting brain power.

Want to know more about detox methods? Give us a call at our Palos Verdes spa location.


Sure, going to a wellness therapist for lymphatic drainage is ideal. But what if you’re a little short on cash or simply too exhausted to go anywhere? With a little lymphatic information, you can actually perform a lymph massage on yourself in the comfort of your own home.

Get comfortable

It’s widely known that lymph drainage works best when the recipient is as relaxed as possible. Find a comfortable, tranquil environment – preferably lying down on your bed, couch, or floor. You want your muscles to stretch, and no part of your body should be strained, according to, a health website. Sitting is not recommended.

No cream or oil necessary

Lymphatic massage does not require that you use any slippery creams or oils, as these might actually provide too little resistance. Instead, try talcum powder, notes

Getting lymph to flow

Very gently push your fingers into your skin – pushing in and upward around a particular area. Then, push down and away. Do this methodically, five to 10 times – this is sure to get the lymph circulating.

Necks and armpits

These tend to be particular areas in which lymph stubbornly stagnates. Remedying these areas has been known to have a positive effect on lymph flow through the entire body.

For the neck, start on both sides, just below the ears. Move your fingers down, and toward the back with a gentle amount of pressure. Next, move to your collarbone, and end there.

Armpits can be especially susceptible to swelling. Start in the center of each armpit and work slowly and gently toward the chest, according to

For more lymphatic information or to book a professional massage, contact us at our Palos Verdes spa location, today.

Although in some respects they are quite similar, colonics and enemas actually serve different functions, and they come from differing ideas of how best to promote and maintain colon health and wellness.

Here are a few differences.

One purpose vs. a few

Where the sole purpose of an enema is to remedy constipation, colonic irrigation has several goals. Colonic irrigation is sometimes thought to alleviate constipation, but it also exists to act as an on-going treatment – to maintain a sense of total-body wellness.

Additionally, colon hydrotherapy is designed to rid the body of harmful toxins and bacteria. While one will get this second-handedly from a properly working enema, many wellness experts claim that without a colonic, toxins will still be left clinging to the colon walls.

The active ingredients 

In order to rid waste from the colon, enemas employ sodium phosphate, which creates an imbalance between the colon wall and the rest of the body – softening stool by creating excess moisture.

On the other hand, colon cleansing employs no other ingredients besides water and a little bit of pressure. These simple elements alone are enough to achieve the goals of the therapy.

Preventative vs remedial 

While enemas are only recommended as a remedy to an existing problem, colonics are available for those who want to continue to keep their colon clean so that colon issues aren’t able to escalate.

Physical effort involved

Even with the aid of an enema, many people with bad cases of constipation still have to exert a great deal of effort to pass waste – this can cause a great deal of pain and stress.

Although colonic irrigation has been known to be a bit uncomfortable, the therapist and the irrigation instruments pretty much do all the work for you. As such, the procedure has been known to be therapeutic and luxurious.

Interested in learning more about colon hydrotherapy? Don’t hesitate to visit us at our spa in Palos Verdes, today.

When it comes to cleansing your body of toxins, there are certainly some great home remedies, but nothing beats getting yourself taken care of at your local detox spa.

Here’s how detox programs at a detox spa stack up against their DIY counterparts.

Colonic irrigation vs. laxative

If your goal is to rid your colon of waste, laxatives usually work pretty well. Still, even with the most effective laxatives, there’s always going to be waste that clings to your colon walls — this can buildup overtime. As such, your colon is never really clean.

On the other hand, colon hydrotherapy seems to be a surefire way of getting the job done. It consists of warm water that is gently instilled through a tube that thoroughly flushes the colon, doing away with millions of bacteria.

Far infrared sauna vs. standard sauna 

Standard saunas feel great for some, while others find them incredibly uncomfortable – especially those with breathing problems. Even if they’re enjoyable, they turn out to be pretty inefficient when it comes to purifying the body.

It’s the job of a sauna to heat the room, and the heat of the room then makes you sweat. Far infrared saunas though, heat your body directly using infrared light.

Many agree that they’re far more comfortable than your run-of-the-mill sauna, and several studies have shown them to be more effective, too.

Detox foot-bath vs. homemade foot bath

Soaking your feet at home with a bucket of warm water might be relaxing, but it doesn’t do much for you when it comes to detoxification.

Detox foot-baths use an electrical current to properly perform the detox. A handful of studies have reported that detox foot-baths change the body’s pH levels – which is crucial in the detox-process.

Lymphatic massage vs. standard massage

A firm massage feels great to most people, and it has been shown to relax muscles, relieve stress, and lower blood pressure. When it comes to aiding the lymphatic system, though, there are better methods.

Lymphatic massage is a specific type of massage, which employs very light pressure. The goal of this gentle-touch massage is to help move around a fluid called “lymph.” Proper lymph flow is absolutely necessary when it comes to getting rid of toxins.

Want to learn more? Don’t hesitate to visit us at our detox spas location in Palos Verdes today.

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that there are pros and cons to most therapies. Some are effective, but expensive; others might be affordable but may not yield solid results.

When it comes to your wellness, you’ll be hard-pressed to find a therapy that doesn’t have at least a few drawbacks. Many agree, though, that lymphatic massage is one of the all-around best.

Good: Does what it claims to do

It’s true. The procedure has been shown by medical science to be effective in improving lymph flow, and in turn, improving some conditions like breast cancer-related lymphedema and edema related to broken bones.

Not so good: Multiple sessions may be needed

Unfortunately, in order lymph massage to have lasting results, multiple sessions are often needed.

Good: Painless

Unlike deep tissue massages, which press deeply into muscle, this massage employs an extremely gentle touch, which is never physically uncomfortable.

Not so good: Not ideal for those who don’t like being touched by strangers

Like most bodily therapies, lymphatic drainage requires a certain trusting of your wellness therapist. It may be a tad awkward at first, but once you get to know them, it should be much more relaxing. Indeed, therapists are skilled professionals, practiced at making you feel comfortable.

Good: Affordable

Many wellness spas offer lymphatic drainage at an extremely cost-effective price, compared to their other therapies.

You can find our pricing guide here.

Not so good: Not covered by insurance

Although there are certainly exceptions, most wellness therapies offered at a wellness spa are not covered by insurance.

If you’re interested in getting more lymphatic information, don’t hesitate to contact us at our Palos Verdes location.

Flushing the colon with water has been a practice that has been a part of wise cultures throughout history.

The Egyptians, the Greeks, the Romans – they all believed “the cleaner the colon, the healthier the person.” And, in wellness circles, belief in colon health hasn’t changed much for thousands of years.

Here are a few reasons you should try colon hydrotherapy.

It relieves constipation

We’ve all been there. Whether it’s something we ate last night, or for whatever reason, we just haven’t “gone” in a few days, constipation can be a real problematic issue.

Many wellness therapists claim that getting a colonic can actually shape and re-tone the colon, making it stronger and more capable of digesting food.

And that solves the constipation issue.

It removes build-up

Even if you’re “regular,” fecal matter and bad bacteria can continue to mount on the walls of your colon, after every meal.

Think about that. You’ve been alive for several decades now, and your colon has never been cleaned.

There are leftovers from tens of thousands of meals building up in your gut. But colon hydrotherapy can clear out that debris, allowing your colon to soak in more nutrients and work more effectively.

It enhances mind / body connection

Sure, colonic irrigation has a handful of benefits for your body, but it’s equally beneficially at balancing the relationship between your body and your mind.

The body is, of course, a large part of your being, but perhaps more importantly is your subjective experience.

Countless people who have tried colon hydrotherapy report incredible senses of well-being and contentment, post-colonic.

That is to say, when the body is in a more detoxified state, we feel healthier – more revitalized.

If you’re interested in learning more about colonics, don’t hesitate to visit us at our Palos Verdes location today.