

Massages are typically a positive experience. If done well, the massage itself feels great, and the post-massage sensation is usually one of extreme relaxation.

Despite the way they might make you feel, not all massages are able to change cosmetic aspects of your body.

But lymphatic massage has that capacity.

Where a standard massage focuses on deep muscle tissue, lymphatic massage is able to increase lymph circulation fluid through gentle touch.

On the face of it, it may seem as though a traditional massage would be more effective in changing cosmetic factors (due to its firm application), but it’s not really getting to the root of the problem.

And for many men and women, that problem is cellulite.

What is cellulite, exactly?

Cellulite is fat found inside the skin — not underneath it like standard fat tissue. And, as you probably know, it creates an unsightly divot-like appearance.

The condition can have multiple causes including water retention, deformed connective tissue, and toxin accumulation.

The relevance of lymphatic drainage massage

Since lymph massage specifically targets “shallow tissue,” it has been found to be an ideal application for treating cellulite, a condition which happens to be found closer to the surface of the body.

For instance, according to an article published in Dermatology Research and Practice, 10 subjects ages 25 to 59 with cellulite were treated using lymphatic massage.

After the procedure was completed and the subjects were evaluated and the researchers discovered that, “This technique involving lymphatic system stimulation is efficacious in the treatment of cellulite.”

Simply put: it works.

How long do the results last?

The evidence is still out as to exactly how long a few procedures will have a positive effect in reducing cellulite.

That’s why it’s recommended that patients see a lymph massage therapist regularly — to keep the condition at bay.

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