
MSG: Dangers of Use

Author: Jessica

You’ve heard of it. You may eat it everyday. Most likely, you aren’t aware of the serious consequences it can have for your body. Monosodium glutamate, or MSG, is found everywhere: grocery store shelves, restaurant menus and your kitchen pantry. While MSG’s use in Chinese take-out restaurants is well-documented, it is not confined to one type of cooking.

Joseph Mercola recently devoted his attention to the dangers of MSG in “MSG: Is This Silent Killer Lurking in Your Kitchen Cabinets?” Mercola’s coverage includes the many tests that have been conducted on the food additive over the past five decades, most of which share one common thread: a healthy diet does not include MSG.

The article uncovers the way that MSG affects your taste buds and your body by exploiting the fifth basic taste, umami. Because of this savory taste, foods with MSG taste more robust. However, this perceived extra flavor comes with extra costs to the millions of people whose bodies cannot process MSG.

Studies in the 1970s supported that up to 30 percent of the U.S. population was intolerant to MSG. With such a large portion of people adversely affected by this unnatural food aid, shouldn’t all of us be concerned with its place in our daily diets? Some medical experts, including neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock, believe that MSG can be linked to brain damage and may trigger the causes for debilitating diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

Perhaps the most alarming fact regarding MSG is the Food and Drug Administration’s seemingly carefree attitude about its place in our food. While the FDA lists a number of symptoms that people with MSG Symptom Complex can experience that includes headaches, nausea and rapid heartbeats, the organization does little to ensure that shoppers know what foods carry MSG.

Mercola’s article reinforces the importance of reading the nutritional labels and ingredient statements on your food with extra caution. The article’s list of 37 ingredients used as masks for MSG prvoes that food manufacturers are aware of the negative impact MSG can have on a shopper’s opinion of the food’s safety. Looking out for these ingredients is essential to maintaining a healthy diet.

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