
We cheered when we heard this one.

There’s yet another study that says indoor smoking bans are saving lives. According to a report by the Nicotine Dependence Center at the Mayo Clinic, heart attack indices dropped 33 percent after implementation of ordinances banning smoking in restaurants and the workplace. That’s great!

Smoking, of course, is detrimental to the body. It’s not just the cardiovascular system that suffers; it’s your nervous system, your skin, your colon and everything else. Even secondhand smoke is considered a big risk for cardiovascular disease. “All people should avoid second-hand smoke exposure as much as possible, and those with coronary heart disease should have no exposure to second-hand smoke,” noted the researchers.

California was the first state to enact a statewide smoking ban. That was back in 1995. Since then, several states have followed suit. Those states with bans have seen a reduction in hospital admissions, with a major decrease in deaths from coronary events, cerebrovascular accidents and respiratory disease.

Use colon hydrotherapy to detox

Smoke can clog your entire system with tar and toxins. Those toxins soak into your bloodstream from the colon, polluting your body. But you can start to get rid of them by cleansing your colon. Think of it as washing out the pipes in your home, pushing all of the dirt through so that water can flow smoothly. Colon hydrotherapy is the same concept. Warm, gentle, distilled water runs throughout the colon, hydrating while eliminating waste that’s stuck. After waste is removed, your body continues the detox process, healing itself.

Whether you’re a recovering smoker, trying to quit or around someone that smokes, it’s important to start detoxifying as soon as possible.

Contact us today to create a customized plan:

  • Palos Verdes Spa – 310-392-9190
  • Santa Monica Spa – 310-399-1722
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