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We’re exposed to heavy metals every day, and over time, they become very hazardous to our health.

One of those hazards is the inability to lose weight.

Heavy metals can have a negative affect on normal thyroid function, which can ultimately prevent weight loss, according

That’s why it’s important to include heavy metal detoxchelation therapy — into a regular routine, especially if you’re trying to lose weight.

Mercury, cadmium, and lead are all found in the body, but they provide no beneficial purpose. These heavy metals may be variations of metals that your body might actually need, but in an alternate form, they’re harmful.

“There is good scientific evidence that metal toxicity can impair endocrine (thyroid) function,” notes LookCut.

It impairs T4 to T3 conversion, which acts like an invisible force field around body fat.

It’s worth noting that heavy metals don’t just make it more difficult to lose weight, they make it impossible to lose weight, if they’ve done significant enough damage to the thyroid.

“No amount of diet or exercise will be of use for someone with a sufficiently impaired thyroid,” says LookCut.

The evidence

Some athletes have been treated for thyroid impairment via heavy metal detoxification.

Strength coach, Charles Poliquin, routinely trains world-class Olympians, and those looking to cut some pounds are commonly put through a mercury toxicity test.

More often than not, Poliquin has had very positive results with athletes looking to lose weight by putting them on a heavy metal detox program.


There are several ways to detox metals from your body.

Concentrated fruit and vegetable supplements can help.

In addition, a EDTA suppository, which contains an amino acid used to extract metals from your tissue, can also aid in detoxification.

We also suggest Detoxamin, a chelating agent used for heavy metal detox, which binds to the heavy metals and moves them out of the body through urine and feces.

For true, one-on-one consultation on heavy metal detoxification, don’t hesitate to call us, today.

Palos Verdes: 310-392-9190
Santa Monica: 310-399-1722

We’ve recently seen a spike in concern over mercury exposure, and rightfully so. There’s a good chance that mercury is among the heavy metals that are attacking your body.

This metal comes from dental amalgams, which are mercury-based fillings. But it also comes from seafood consumption, coal-burning power plants and incinerators.

Heavy metal detox is crucial for health

What are the symptoms of toxicity?

Chronic symptoms of mercury toxicity can include nausea, tremor and hypersensitivity.

Heavy metals tend to move towards the brain first, causing memory loss and other neurological symptoms. It can also lead to more serious ailments, like Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s.

That’s why it’s important to start detoxing as soon as possible. But you should take care to do it properly. It’s a delicate process.

Step 1: Focus on your diet

In order to start detoxing, you’re going to have to slowly change your diet. This phase should last for about two weeks. Limit foods that can be consider inflammatory, like sugar and fast food. Increase your intake of beneficial fats and limit your intake of carbohydrates.

Step 2: Get a consultation

It’s important to form a plan with a professional for a proper detox. We offer programs for detox at our Palos Verdes and Santa Monica spas. Contact us today for a consultation.

Step 3: Get tested

There’s a newer type of testing called “mercury speciation.” It measures your overall mercury level and your body’s ability to naturally get rid of the metal. This is a big step in creating a personalized heavy metal detox program.

Step 4: Remove your exposure

If your source of mercury is coming from fish, then eliminate fish out of your diet. Dental amalgams are a little bit harder to remove, and it can be very costly. If you have the means, get them removed by a someone who specializes in removing amalgams. Keep in mind that improper removal can boost your toxicity.

Step 5: Chelation therapy

This type of therapy is crucial to riding the body of metals. We suggest Detoxamin, a chelating agent that we use for heavy metal detox. This binds to the heavy metals and moves them out of the body through urine and feces.

For more information, or to speak with us about mercury exposure, call us today:

Palos Verdes: 310-392-9190
Santa Monica: 310-399-1722

As one of the leading causes of cancer deaths, breast cancer diagnoses are increasing throughout the world. But many studies are now saying that iron plays a major role in the development of breast cancer. A study by the Department of Bimolecular Sciences in Urbino Italy, found that the ductal fluid of women with breast cancer had higher levels of ferritin, a protein that transports iron and aluminum. It isn’t necessarily the intake of iron that causes cancer, but the release of it within the body that is harmful.
Why is the release of iron dangerous?
More than 90 percent of the iron we intake binds to protective proteins within the body. Free iron, that is iron that isn’t bound to protective proteins, can cause inflammation, free radical generation and lipid peroxidation within the body.
What causes the release?
Both aluminum and alcohol have been linked to the release of iron. Large amounts of either substance can cause the iron to free from its protein and build up within the body. If this occurs, a tumor can form. Vaccines have also been linked to an increase of aluminum within the body.
How can Heavy Metal Detox Help?
A heavy metal detox program, can keep the body clean of heavy metals that cause adverse effects.  At Transformational Health in Santa Monica and Palos Verdes, we offer a wide variety of solutions for heavy metal detox. We carry Detoxamin and a selection of other products to rid the body of heavy metals. Call us today for a personalized detox program.
Palos Verdes: 310-392-9190
Santa Monica: 310-399-1722

Whether you know it or not, mercury, lead, arsenic and other heavy metals are currently harming your body. Independent studies have shown that almost everyone has detectable levels of heavy metals. Heavy metals enter the body through our drinking water, our food and even our air. These metals remain in the body and build up to hazardous levels, causing tremendously adverse effects. Heavy metals have been linked to heart disease, cancer and even autism. They are neurotoxins that remain in the body until they are flushed out.

Heavy metal detox, otherwise known as chelation, offers a natural solution for ridding the body of poisonous metals. Our Santa Monica and Palos Verdes locations offer a wide range of solutions for heavy metal detox. We are one of the few clinics in Santa Monica and Palos Verdes that carries Detoxamin, a chelating agent being recommended by renowned Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt and Dr. Soram Singh Khalsa. Our individually designed programs use binding agents in conjunction with colonics and other therapies to rid the body of neurotoxins.

Some of the products and services we offer:

Colonics Palos Verdes

Heavy metals bind with tissue once inside the body. This makes it difficult for metals to pass through the natural digestive process of the body. Colon hydrotherapy is a natural method used to cleanse the colon of toxins. Our Palos Verdes colon hydrotherapy clinic helps move heavy metals through the digestive system and out of the body. Colon hydrotherapy also improves the absorption of nutrients, proteins and vitamins. Colonics is recommended by Dr. Klinghardt as part of his Toxin Elimination Protocol.

Dr. Soram Singh Khalsa, another renowned detoxification expert, uses colonics in conjunction with heavy metal chelation and often prescribes Detoxamin.  Our certified colon hydrotherapists will put together a specialized program for your colonics and chelation.


Detoxamin is a method of ETDA chelation therapy, or heavy metal detox, and is a proven alternative to intravenous heavy metal detox. Administered as a suppository, Detoxamin releases and absorbs into the colon wall and targets specific areas. Verified in published pre-clinical studies, Detoxamin is the only proven brand for chelation therapy. Our Santa Monica and Palos Verdes clinics carry Detoxamin and can create a heavy metal detox program specific to your needs and goals.

Cilantro with Chlorella

Cilantro with Chlorella is a very powerful chelation agent. This natural chelation agent is especially useful for ridding the body of mercury, but is also valuable for other heavy metal detoxification. Chlorella helps bind to the mercury and flush it out of the system, making it very powerful in combination with cilantro. Our Santa Monica and Palos Verdes clinics carry cilantro with chlorella products.

Infrared Sauna Palos Verdes

The infrared sauna uses far infrared light to penetrate tissue and boost the transference of water across cellular membranes. The benefits include increased blood flow, hydration and detoxification. Infrared saunas are an exceptional method for heavy metal detox and enhancing immunity. We offer an infrared sauna at our Palos Verdes and Santa Monica clinic.

Ionic Detox Footbath

Our Palos Verdes Ionic Detox Footbath uses positive and negative ions to attach to toxins in the body. Once attached, the ions pull heavy metals and other impurities through the feet into the water and out of the body.

See our Santa Monica and Palos Verdes spa packages.


A California Hydrotherapy Colonics company, specializes in internal body cleansing, nutrition education and wellness promotion. As a Santa Monica Hydrotherapy Colonics specialist, Palos Verdes, including South Bay, Gardena, Hawthorne, Hermosa Beach, Lomita, Manhattan Beach, Redondo Beach, San Pedro, Torrance, Santa Monica, Pacific Palisades, Malibu, Los Angeles, Hollywood Hydrotherapy Colonics specialist, many California residents rely on for hydrotherapy products, resources and information. For more information and to browse a selection of high-quality natural products, please visit

Whether we realize it or not, we’re consuming and inhaling heavy metals on a daily basis. These heavy metals such as arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, lead and mercury build up within the body and become extremely toxic. In small amounts, some of these metals are necessary for life, but in large amounts they can interfere with the metabolic process. Heavy metals have been thought to cause autism, heart disease and even cancer. That’s why it’s vital to detox the colon of heavy metals through the use of chelating agent such as Detoxamin and through scheduling a colonic in Los Angeles or your area of California.

Symptoms of Heavy Metal Poisoning

Some common symptoms of heavy metal poisoning include:

  • Chronic malaise
  • Consistent muscle and tendon pain
  • Consistent infections
  • Dizziness
  • Mood swings
  • Nervous system illness
  • Confusion

Often, heavy metal poisoning can produce vague symptoms that can be mistaken for other serious illnesses. It’s important to rid your body of these poisons for overall health and function of the body.


As a method of ETDA chelation therapy, Detoxamin can help get rid of heavy metals that have built up within the body. It is administered as a suppository and is a proven alternative method to intravenous chelation therapy.

Regular colonics in the Los Angeles area or in your area of California can help to rid your body of heavy metals and other toxins as well.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment and detox your colon for better overall health.


While you may not know it, your body is full of heavy metals right now. Aluminum, mercury, lead and other metallic elements find their way into our bodies via the water we drink, the food we eat and the air we breathe. Dental fillings have been linked to toxic levels of mercury. Small doses of metal can build up to dangerous levels of these elements and have extremely negative effects on our bodies. Some experts have attributed heavy metal buildups to heart disease and cancer.

Fortunately, there are ways to cleanse our bodies and remove these heavy metals from our systems. One of the most successful natural healing methods is chelation.

After heavy metals enter the body, they bind themselves within tissue, making them hard to remove through the body’s natural digestive processes. The detoxification process of chelation involves elements that bind to the heavy metals and help remove them from body tissue.

Chelation formulas use a combination of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other elements that promote natural healing. Chelation can be done intravenously and orally with a variety of natural healing foods such as garlic and cilantro. The heavy metals exit the body through urine and feces.

Chelation’s effectiveness has been questioned by the American Heart Association, and other governing medical bodies have concerns about the safety of intravenous chelation. However, chelation’s ability to help cure lead poisoning is well-documented, and many supporters of natural healing believe chelation can help treat autism and heart disease. All medical experts can agree one issue: a buildup of toxic heavy metals in our systems can have detrimental effects on the way our bodies function.

About Company

A Santa Monica, California Hydrotherapy Colonics company, specializes in internal body cleansing, nutrition education and wellness promotion. As a Santa Monica Hydrotherapy Colonics specialist and Palos Verdes Hydrotherapy Colonics specialist, many California residents rely on for hydrotherapy products, resources and information. For more information and to browse a selection of high-quality natural products, please visit

There has been a long debate about the use of mercury in dental fillings. But to us, it’s not much of a debate. You should say “no” to mercury when it comes to your health and the environment.

There are more groups than ever trying to stop the use of mercury in dentistry. That’s because there are numerous studies, reports and articles that confirm just how dangerous the metal can be. But only 24 percent of consumers are aware that “silver fillings” contain mercury, according to So it’s crucial to spread the word.

How it harms your health

Amalgam fillings and quicksilver both contain the toxic heavy metal. And that can really hurt your health. Dental mercury has been shown to cause brain damage, neurological problems and kidney issues. It can also cause problems with fetuses in pregnant women, causing brain development problems and other health issues.

The mercury usually makes its way into your body through those silver fillings that you so often see in teeth. It then accumulates and sticks with you, being stored in the body and remaining toxic. According to, there are between 313 and 411 tons of mercury used each year for dental fillings. And approximately 50 percent of amalgam fillings are filled with mercury.

How it harms the environment

Mercury isn’t only harmful to your health; it’s devastating to the environment. According to, an organization against the use of mercury in dentistry, Amalgam can pollute our water through dental clinic releases, our air through cremation and our land via landfills. And once it’s in the environment, dental mercury becomes even more toxic, converting to methylmercury.

Use heavy metal detox to get rid of it

Chelation therapy can help you get rid of mercury and other toxic heavy metals. We suggest using Detoxamin or another chelating agent to help rid the body of any metals that have built up in the body. Symptoms you may have heavy metal poisoning include chronic malaise, constant infections, neurological disorders, confusion and dizziness.

For more information on heavy metal detox and the dangers of mercury, contact us today!

  • South Bay Spa – 310-392-9190
  • Santa Monica Spa – 310-399-1722

Alzheimer’s disease is at epidemic levels. It’s the most common cause of dementia among people who are 65 and older. Unfortunately, there’s no cure. But there are things you can do – like colonics – to help prevent the disease.

Make it a challenge

Stimulating your mind on a daily basis is one of the most important activities you can do for prevention. Think about learning a new language or learning to play an instrument. Experts say that building new connections in the brain can help with onset.

Work up a sweat

Exercise is, of course, great for your body. It helps with overall health and wellness. But it also helps trigger a positive change in certain proteins in the body that researchers think have to do with the onset of Alzheimer’s. Do at least 30 minutes a day.

Eat well

We always stress the importance of eating well on this blog. But we’re going to do it again. Raw organic foods can really change the overall health and wellness of your body. For Alzheimer’s, a balanced diet rich in folate, omega-3 fats and vitamin B12 can really help with prevention. Eating a lot of blueberries, which are rich in antioxidants, can protect the nervous system.

Colonic irrigation and chelation

Colon hydrotherapy can clear toxins, making it possible for the body to heal itself. But chelation heavy metal detox therapy can clear metals out of your body – specifically aluminum and mercury – which have been associated with the onset of the disease.

For more information on preventing Alzheimer’s disease, colonics and chelation therapy, contact us today:

  • South Bay Spa – 310-392-9190
  • Santa Monica Spa – 310-399-1722

Colon Hydrotherapy

All colon hydrotherapy sessions with Jessica Zaccaro are $90. Credit cards are now accepted. 

All sessions include acupressure & abdominal massage. Please don’t eat or drink anything 1.5 hours before your session.

Other Services

  • 55-Minute Deep Tissue Massage
  • 55-Minute Shiatsu Massage
  • 55 Minute Lymphatic Massage
  • Ear Candling
  • Individualized Detox/Nutritional Counseling. Price Upon Request
  • Far Infra Red Amethyst Mats
  • Detoxifying Ionized Food Bath


  • Basic Facial
  • Non-Surgical Face Lift
  • Microderabrasion
  • Dien Chan – Anti-Aging Reflexology Facial

Body Treatments

  • Body Wraps
  • Body Scrubs

Fee & Discounts

  • 1 Single Session – $90 (all services except Detox Foot Bath)
  • 3 Session Series – $255 ($85 each) Recommended for all first timers
  • 8 Session Series – $640 ($80 each)

Credit Cards accepted

• Series must be paid in advance, are non-transferable and must be used within three months.

DETOX FOOT BATH * – a major detoxifier and great adjunct to regular colon cleansing! South Bay only

  • 1 Session – $45
  • 10 Sessions – $400
  • 22 Sessions – $770 (Recommended for serious Heavy Metal Detox)

EAR CANDLING This is a one hour session using 2 candles in each ear along with Lymphatic Drainage before and after

  • 1 Session – $80
  • 3 Sessions – $210

Raindrop Therapy: Available only in South Bay.

  • 80 Minute Session: $125



24-hour cancellation required to avoid being charged the full session.

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A California colon hydrotherapy company, specializes in internal body cleansing, lymphatic massage, colonic irrigation, nutrition education and wellness promotion. As a Los Angeles hydrotherapy colonics company based around Palos Verdes, South Bay, Gardena, Hawthorne, Hermosa Beach, Lomita, Manhattan Beach, Redondo Beach, San Pedro, Torrance, Santa Monica, Pacific Palisades, Malibu, Los Angeles and Hollywood, many California residents rely on for colon hydrotherapy products, colonics expertise, resources and information. For more information and to browse a selection of high-quality natural products, please visit

Total Transformational Tune-up    – $235

Total Transformation and Total Relaxation!  We begin by a gentle, and thorough colon hydrotherapy session and then into the Infared Sauna which promotes further detoxification on a cellular level.  You will then be treated to a Relaxing Deep Tissue massage (with an emphasis on lymphatic massage).   While feeling a renewed sense of self and inner peace, you will then be treated to a heavenly ionized foot bath known for pulling out Heavy Metals and other impurities through the feet. This transformative retreat package will thoroughly renew and reinvigorate your body, mind, heart and spirit by significantly reducing your overall Toxic Load”.  Leaving Peaceful and Centered are often some of the many benefits of this deep, Transformational Tune Up. Please allow 3 hours to be completely replenished and rejuvenated – Guaranteed to Transform!

Detoxification Blitz  – $225

A cleansing colon hydrotherapy session (with a probiotic implant) starts our detox package. After the body has been internally cleansed we soothe with your choice of a 55-minute Shiatsu or Lymphatic massage to stimulate core areas of the body, releasing toxins and increasing circulation. We finish with a detoxifying, ionic foot bath to drain toxins and leave you feeling refreshed, energized and powerful.

Holistic Energy and Balance Booster   – $165

We begin with 15 minutes on the chi machine to balance and realign your posture and shake off the outside world. We then give a colon hydrotherapy session  to leave you totally cleansed and refreshed. A blissful Deep Tissue and Lymph Clearing Massage completes the package to boost your energy and spirit, leaving you feeling strong and balanced.


A California colon hydrotherapy company, specializes in internal body cleansing, lymphatic massage, colonic irrigation, nutrition education and wellness promotion. As a Los Angeles hydrotherapy colonics company based around Palos Verdes, South Bay, Gardena, Hawthorne, Hermosa Beach, Lomita, Manhattan Beach, Redondo Beach, San Pedro, Torrance, Santa Monica, Pacific Palisades, Malibu, Los Angeles and Hollywood, many California residents rely on for colon hydrotherapy products, colonics expertise, resources and information. For more information and to browse a selection of high-quality natural products, please visit

Transformational Health Colon Hydrotherapy