
If you’re suffering from depression, it may have more to do with what you’re eating than anything else.

Studies have recently been pointing to a connection between inflammation within the gastrointestinal tract and depression. The studies indicate that chronic inflammation within the gut can lead to depression, and that treating inflammation within the gut can improve depression and other related diseases.

It’s been noticed that depression is often a symptom of autoimmune diseases and other illnesses that have to do with chronic inflammation. Since the gut is directly connected to the brain in very intricate ways, it’s very possible that inflammation within the gut has a direct effect on mood.

The gut to brain connection

Literally referred to as the second brain, the gut has larger amounts of serotonin – a neurotransmitter associated with mood – than the brain. Due to its large amount of serotonin – and because the gut reports directly to the brain – the gut is able to influence mood.

The bacteria in your gut are alive, active and highly dependent on the foods you put into your body for survival. When the bacteria – or microflora – of the gut are healthy, your body is more likely to be healthy. However, good bacteria are easily compromised by processed foods and sweeteners – eating these types of foods can cause inflammation. Since the gut is connected directly to the brain, chronic inflammation throughout the digestive tract can cause mood disorders and several other ailments.

Treating depression and inflammation

By treating chronic inflammation though diet and colonics, it’s possible to eradicate depression and other illnesses.

First and foremost, we recommend colon hydrotherapy for the overall well-being of your digestive tract. Colonics can clear the colon of harmful waste and bacteria that promote disease within the body. Cleansing is an important step in the detox process, clearing the way for the microflora of your gut to grow healthy. Along with diet changes, we recommend regular colon hydrotherapy for optimum health.

We also advise eliminating or greatly reducing sugar intake. Sugar triggers a number of chemical reactions throughout the body, which in turn can create chronic inflammation. It can also disturb the balance of bacteria in the gut, which can easily alter mood.

Additional changes in diet along with reducing sugar intake should also be implemented along with colon cleansing. Eating traditionally-made and unpasteurized fermented foods such as kefir or lassi can help optimize the bacteria in your gut. Probiotic supplements can also help restore the microflora in the digestive tract.

Vitamin D and animal-based omega-3 fats are also vital for reducing inflammation and promoting a healthy mood. Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to have a positive influence on those struggling with depression, and vitamin D is vital for controlling the inflammatory response, regulating mood and for immune system function.

If you’re struggling with depression, schedule your personalized detox program today. We’ll set up a regimen of colonics and other therapies to promote overall well-being.

Palos Verdes Spa – 310-392-9190

Santa Monica Spa – 310-399-1722

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