
What is a colonic?

Author: Jessica

Otherwise known as colon hydrotherapy or colonic irrigation, a colonic is performed by gently instilling water into the colon in order to cleanse the colon and rid the body of toxins. Harmful substances can build up in the colon over time and leak into the body. This can cause all sorts of conditions and symptoms, some of which include headaches, constipation, skin problems, bloating, allergies and cognitive impairment.  Qualified colon hydrotherapist at our spas in Los Angeles can cleanse the body of harmful wastes and reduce or eliminate ailments.


Despite the common notion that colonic hydrotherapy is a new practice, the concept dates back to the ancient Egyptians. But colonic irrigation really started to become popular in the U.S. in the early 1900s when John Harvey Kellogg, M.D., – the founder of Kellogg cereal – started to become a major advocate of the practice. The doctor recommended colonics for a variety of conditions and believed them to be beneficial for overall health.

Reasons for a colonic

A buildup of fecal matter within the colon can prevent the absorption of water and other vital nutrients. It can also cause harmful bacteria to grow, which in turn can cause disease. Colonic irrigation can help remove waste, prevent or eliminate constipation and promote overall well-being.

A typical session

Many of our first-time clients ask, “What is a colonic?” and “What is a typical session like?” For your first session, you’ll fill out a full health history form. This ensures that we are providing the right treatment for your specific body. We’ll then ask you to change into a gown and lie face up on one of our comfortable treatment tables. A qualified colon hydrotherapist will insert a speculum into the rectum, and warm filtered water will start to flow into the colon. Fecal matter is filtered out through a hose into a waste system. During treatment the therapist will lightly massage the abdomen to aid in the treatment. A typical session lasts from 45 minutes to an hour.

Both of our spas in Los Angeles maintain a relaxing atmosphere for your session. We have a spa in Racho Palos Verdes and one in Santa Monica. If you’ve asked yourself, “What is a colonic?”, we’re here to help answer that question. Call us today to schedule your colonic irrigation session.

Palos Verdes Spa – 310-392-9190

Santa Monica Spa – 310-399-1722

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