
While it’s true that there are a bunch of different things you can do to cleanse your body of toxins, one of the best is right under your nose … or should we say feet? It’s a detox foot spa.

It’s all the rage right now in the world of detox programs, and for good reason. Users find detox foot baths to be ultra-relaxing and highly effective in the detoxification process.

How it works

The service is a simple one: it involves soaking the feet in warm salt water for about a half-hour within an electronic foot spa machine. Almost immediately after starting the bath, the water changes color.

Contrary popular belief, the color change is not itself the toxins leaving the body. It’s due to a chemical reaction between the salt water and the electricity.

Instead, you’ll see debris forming in the water, and those are the toxins cleansing from your body.

Is there evidence to support it?


For example, according to an article published by the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, urine pH levels were measured in a subject prior and post-treatment. And, just as was suspected, the subject’s pH levels showed lower acidity after the cleansing procedure was completed.

Oncology Specialist, Christine Adamo, of the Pacific College Alumna mentions that although the procedure is very effective, ridding the body of toxins for the long-haul doesn’t happen overnight.

“You can’t just come in and ‘get fixed’,” she said in an article. “You have to take ownership in your health. The work I do with a patient has to be part of a team effort.”

Coupling the bath with other methods

In order to achieve maximum detoxification results, it’s recommended that, along with the spa, you also:

* Maintain a natural, organic food-based diet

* Get plenty of sleep

* Exercise regularly

* Drink water throughout the day

For more information on detox foot baths and other services we offer, don’t hesitate to give us a call today.

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