

The colon is one of the most important organs in the body, participating in waste management and extracting water and salt before it is discarded. It is also the spot where fermentation of unabsorbed materials mainly occurs. The balance of bacteria is vital for function in the colon, and an unhealthy colon can lead to disease and other conditions. Since toxins and waste can easily build up within the colon, it’s vital to cleanse the colon from time to time.

More than just a colonic

Colon hydrotherapy benefits extend further than just a cleansing of the organ. In fact, the overall health of our colon plays a major role on the other organs in our body. Often, the length of the colon can become compacted with hardened fecal matter, which narrows the channel for feces to pass through. This can cause a variety of conditions:

  • Depression
  • Weakness
  • Irritability
  • Lethargy
  • Halitosis
  • Unhealthy skin
  • Pain
  • Headaches
  • Low/High blood pressure
  • Poor Circulation


The process

Colon hydrotherapy, when performed by a certified colon hydrotherapist, is a relaxing and safe procedure. Water is filtered through the intestine while your abdominal area is simultaneously massaged. This softens the old fecal matter and releases other toxins within the body. After the session, your colon starts to repair itself and go back to its normal function. Cleansing will remove toxins and promote healthy intestinal bacteria.

The main benefits

There are several colon hydrotherapy benefits that you’ll experience after your session. You may have a sense of overall well-being, relief of anxiety and improved circulation. You may also experience relief from asthma, allergies and arthritis. Because it promotes the growth of healthy intestinal bacteria, you should feel a boost of energy as well. Colon cleansing has also been used as treatment for cancer and other conditions.


Contact us today to schedule your colonic Santa Monica or Palos Verdes session:

  • Palos Verdes: 310-392-9190
  • Santa Monica: 310-399-1722


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