

Lymphatic Drainage Massage Sessions

What is it?
Gentle, soothing massage meant to stimulate the flow of Lymph fluid in the body. Used for cellular detoxification and to revitalize internal organ function.

What is Lymph?
A clear viscous fluid which flows throughout the body’s tissues, bringing in nutrients and taking out waste. Lymph carried the immune response, i.e. white blood cells, T cells, lymphocytes, etc. Whenever the body is “attacked” the defense mechanism sends extra fluid with extra fortifications to the attack site.

What are the benefits?

The extra fluid that has remained after the attack is fended off robs the area of proper oxygen and nutrition. Fluid retention is called edema and creates a bloated feeling and one of congestion. Lymphatic drainage enhances the body’s ability to process the fluids, clean up and fortify and blood supply, and drain off waste products such as lactic acid.

What conditions are helped?
All respiratory conditions such as bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, influenza, as well as digestive disorders, constipation, general toxemia, PMS allergic reaction, bruising and inflamed tissue respond very well.

Post surgery patients can greatly benefit because of the added stress on the immune system during surgery. Normal peristalsis has been interrupted and needs to be re-established, as well as normal respiration. Drugs and anti-biotics strain the liver, gall bladder, kidney and spleen functions, and lymphatic drainage can stimulate these to bring them back into balance.

What results can I expect?
Breathing is eased, swelling and fluid retention are reduced – esp around breast and neck, peristalsis and digestion are balanced, nutrition is more easily absorbed. Headaches and sluggishness are reduced, bringing proper blood flow to all organs for clearer thinking and quicker immune response.

How long does it take?
Each session lasts 55 minutes and covers several techniques, including client education. You are encouraged to participate in your recovery and are given guidelines for best long term results. The recommended program is to have 3 sessions within the first month. For Maintenance Detoxification Programs it is best to continue on a twice monthly program.

How will it effect my colonic?
It has been found to greatly enhance the effects of colonics, due to the stimulation of waste product removal. Abdominal massage softens and prepares the bowels to receive the colonic and eases possible discomfort. As the colon is cleansed, the other internal organs have a clearer path for ridding the body of accumulated toxins. Many people prefer to have their colonic first and then finish with their Lymphatic Clearing Massage.

Lymphatic Massage and Clearing sessions are available from Jessica Zaccaro in our Santa Monica Office.  The benefits of  lymphatic massage are greatly increased when combined with a colon hydrotherapy before or after the massage.

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